When you buy a new vehicle, part of what you pay for is peace of mind. Knowing that every part is new and should be in excellent condition, working correctly without problems, makes it worth each month’s car payment. But when your newer vehicle starts having constant issues within a year or two of purchase, that peace of mind goes away, and frustration sets in. At Lemon Larry, we understand how a lemon vehicle can impact your peace of mind and waste your time and money. We help our clients in New Jersey find a Newark lemon law attorney to discuss their cases.
Lemon laws exist in every state but vary on what consumers are entitled to if they purchase a “lemon.” In New Jersey, the Lemon Law Unit at the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs handles lemon law claims. The New Jersey lemon laws cover both new and used vehicles, but with different specifications on what consumers are entitled to if the vehicle is unsafe or unreliable. New vehicles are covered for problems that begin within the first 24 months of purchase and have less than 24,000 miles. Under the New Jersey lemon law, the following situations may be considered valid reasons for submitting a claim:
- The new vehicle has had the same issue repaired at least three times, with the first occurrence within the first 24 months of purchase with less than 24,000 miles.
- The vehicle has been out of service due to a defect for a cumulative 20 or more calendar days due to repairs.
- The vehicle has a defect that required repair that “is likely to cause death or serious bodily injury,” and after the repair, the defect still exists.
The New Jersey lemon laws are very complex but hold manufacturers and dealerships accountable when a vehicle is unsafe, unreliable or unavailable for the consumer. However, it is important that all the stipulations to filing a claim are met to be considered for a refund under the lemon laws. Having an experienced Newark lemon law attorney on your side can ensure you have the best chance of winning your case and receiving every penny you deserve.
Find an Experienced Lemon Law Claim Lawyer
You do not need to spend your time researching the best Newark lemon law attorneys. At Lemon Larry, we make it simple to find an experienced lemon law claim lawyer near you in Newark. We have a quick questionnaire that only takes a minute or two to answer to determine whether you are a good candidate for a lemon law claim. If you qualify, we will recommend a lemon law attorney in your area to discuss your case.
You Could Receive a Full Refund or Replacement Vehicle
Under the New Jersey lemon law, you are entitled to a full refund if your claim is approved, or you can accept a replacement vehicle if offered. An application needs to be submitted to the Lemon Law Unit, and if it is accepted, a hearing is scheduled. To win your claim, you must meet all the criteria and provide the evidence for your case. A lemon law attorney will collect the needed documentation from you and ensure all the legal steps are followed to win your claim. There is no cost to you from us at Lemon Larry or from the attorney – the fees for the lawyer are included in the claim. You will not pay anything whether you win your claim or not, so there is no risk to you to pursue a full refund for your lemon vehicle.
You should not be burdened with a new vehicle that is unsafe or unreliable. If you believe you have bought a lemon and you live in or near Newark, NJ, let our team at Lemon Larry help you find an experienced lemon law attorney. Take our quick quiz to see if you qualify for lemon law claim assistance, and you could be on your way to receiving a substantial refund for your lemon.